Spis treści
Open/closed principle
All classes should be open for enlargement and closed for modifications.
This principle is about two things:
- Open — Elements should be created in a way to be easily expanded. Changes in their behavior should not require modification of the current code but added a new one.
- Closed — Behavior modification should not be connected with changes in existing code.
This rule we can use in methods, functions, classes, modules and packages. To apply this principle, we can use Single responsibility Principle and Dependency inversion principle.
- Greater flexibility.
- Greater code reuse.
- Easier maintenance.
- Easier application improvement.
- Backward compatibility.
- Greater difficulty and labor consumption during software development.
- Calculator, which counts figures area. It iterates figures. Every figure implements IFigure interface. This calculator call on every figure the method GetArea(), instead of has a switch and calculate in Calculator every area.
- Report generators create different reports. Report generators implement IReportGenerates. We can put this report generators in clients depend on client specifications (for instance they want Pdf, Html).
All posts from mini project: Learn SOLID and OOP principles:
- SOLID exercises
- S like Single responsibility principle
- SOLID exercises — Kata
- O as Open-closed principle
- L jak Liskov Substitution Principle
- Interface segregation principle
- KISS — Keep it simple, stupid
- DRY — Don’t repeat yourself
- Dependency inversion principle
- SLAP — Single Level of Abstraction Principle
- Composition Over Inheritance
- Encapsulate what changes
- Lod — Law of Demeter
- ES as Exercises of Single responsibility principle
- EO as Exercises of Open/closed principle
- EL as Exercises of Liskov Substitution Principle
- EI as Eexrcises of Interface segregation principle
- ES as Exercises of Dependency Inversion Principle
- Object-oriented programming
- OOP — Object-Oriented Programming — Advice
- OOP — Object Oriented Programming
Main image
- Clean architecture — Robert C. Martin
- https://sii.pl/blog/solid-dobre-praktyki-programowania/
- https://javadeveloper.pl/solid/
- http://butunclebob.com/ArticleS.UncleBob.PrinciplesOfOod
- https://www.p-programowanie.pl/paradygmaty-programowania/zasady-solid/
- https://www.samouczekprogramisty.pl/solid-czyli-dobre-praktyki-w-programowaniu-obiektowym/
- https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zasada_otwarte-zamkni%C4%99te
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open%E2%80%93closed_principle
- The Open-Closed Principle – Robert C. Martin – https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwhCYaYDn8EgN2M5MTkwM2EtNWFkZC00ZTI3LWFjZTUtNTFhZGZiYmUzODc1/view
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